Nanaj Rug History

Nanaj is a village belonging to Malayer County in the southeastern province of Hamadan, Iran. This village has a history of several thousand years and carpet weaving is one of its most important handicrafts. Carpets from different regions of Iran have unique features not found anywhere else, even in neighboring regions. But if you are an expert and lover of Iranian handmade rugs, you can understand the story of the birth of each carpet and its origin. We have already talked about the magnificent Malayer rugs. In this article, we are going to examine the characteristics of the Malayer Nanj rug. So please join us!

Nanaj, Malayer

Features of Nanaj rug

  • Nanaj rugs are woven with high-quality sheep wool.
  • The warp and weft of Nanaj Malayer rugs are made of cotton.
  • The main background of these rugs is red and blue.
  • Nanaj carpets are durable and long-lasting.
  • Symmetrical knot and single-weft techniques are used to weave Nanaj rugs.
  • These rugs often have long and thick piles.
  • Nanaj area rugs are among the most environmentally friendly rugs.
  • The most popular Nanaj rug is a design with small and large flowers, which is called “Chahar-chang” design.

To learn about environmentally friendly carpets, you can read this article: Our Earth Needs Green Eco-Friendly Rugs

Nanaj rug

                                       Nanaj rug

Nanaj rugs for Sale

Nanaj rugs are special and beautiful rugs due to the bright colors used in them. The presence of such a carpet in any home can indicate the culture and art of the friendship of the members of that home. The price of Nanaj rugs usually depends on their age. In this short article, we have tried to introduce you to Nanaj carpets. If you are interested in buying Nanaj rugs and enjoying their beauty in your home, you can contact the online experts of the Vernacarpets collection.

Nanaj rug



             Nanaj Malayer Chaharchang rug