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Seirafian Rug

If you are one of those who are interested in Iranian carpets, you have probably heard the Serafian rug’s name. Among Isfahan carpets, the Seirafian rug is one of the most well-known. Do you know the Seirafian family? Have you ever seen Seirafian’s name and signature on a rug? It might be interesting for you to get to know the members of this big family. How this family started to build a personal brand of Seirafian and put quality carpets on the market a hundred years ago. Isfahan carpets have always been among the original and magnificent carpets throughout history. But Seirafian carpets are carpets that every collector would like to have among his carpets. In the following, we will introduce you to this famous family and some of their masterpieces. So stay with us until the end.

History of Seirafian rug

Haj Agha Reza Seirafian, the great master of Iranian carpets, lived in Isfahan between 1881 and 1975. His father Agha Mohammad-Ali Esfahani was a well-known businessman. Mother’s family was also a famous family in Isfahan, which was engaged in banking and exchange at the beginning. The late Haj Reza was not interested in his father’s job and chose the job of his mother’s family. It is interesting to know that the surname Seirafian is derived from the word “Seiraf” which means money changer(sarraf). He worked as a money changer for several years. On the other hand, his great interest in carpet weaving and collecting hand-woven carpets led him to this Iranian art. Unfortunately, the carpets he collected were not of very good quality.

hak reza

                                 The late Haj Agha Reza Seirafian

For this reason, together with his son Mohammad Seirafian, he decided to produce and market carpets in 1940. At this stage, he gathered famous dyers, carpet weavers, and designers together to produce carpets of good quality. Haj Reza Seirafian used the best and most delicate fibers of fluff(kork) and silk to create his works. He also used the best dyeing masters to apply beautiful and natural colors to them. To create unique works and authentic Iranian patterns, he used master designers and women weavers. It didn’t take long for Seirafian carpets to become popular among people and businessmen became interested in working with him. In a creative act, he decided to expand his brand, that’s why he weaved a signature with the last name of Seirafian and the flag of Iran under his carpets. Currently, many Seirafian rugs are kept in museums, palaces, and private collections.

Getting to know the great Seirafian family and genealogy

This talent and pure quality of carpet weaving was passed down from generation to generation in the Seirafian family. The children of Haj Reza, who saw the success and prosperity of their father, cooperated with him. The late Haj Reza had seven sons and they all continued the path of rug weaving. Older sons played a key role in the development of Seirifian’s workshop. Among the sons, the second son named Muhammad and the third son named Sadeq are more popular. The late Muhammad Seirafian expanded the carpet weaving art of Isfahan with his continuous activity and determination. His blessed life was between 1921 and 2021 and he served Iran’s carpet weaving in this one century. Mohammad Seirafian created beautiful artistic carpets, and one of his masterpieces is the famous “Bani-Adam” carpet, which he donated to the United Nations. Other masterpieces of this late master are Golu-Bulbul and the hunting scene. Also, the late Mohammad Seirfian was known for his philanthropy and founded Seirfian University in Isfahan.

haj reza and boys

                              Haj Agha Reza Seirafian with his seven sons

The third son, Haj Sadegh, was also serious in this work and started producing exquisite Isfahan carpets alongside his father. He, who lived between 1922 and 2005, left lasting carpets to this industry. Among these carpets, we can mention Behesht carpet (Eleven Scenery), Simorgh and Golestan. Master Ahmad Seirafian, the fourth son of Haj Reza Seirafian, lived between 1925 and 2011. He also had a powerful hand in producing exquisite and luxurious carpets and continued his father’s profession with the great masters of design. Ahmed Archang, Abbas Karbasion and Haj Mosavver-Ol-Mulki were famous and master designers with whom the Seirafian family worked. There were seven sons of Haj Reza in order of age:

  • Master Mohammad-Ali Seirafian
  • Master Mohammad Seirafian
  • Master Sadegh Seirafian
  • Master Ahmad Seirafian
  • Master Ali Seirafian
  • Master Hossein Seirafian
  • Master Hasan Seirafian

Among the third generation of the Seirafian family, some continued the path of their fathers and created exquisite carpets. The sons of the late Mohammad Seirafian named Mehdi, Mojtaba and Baqer are prominent masters of Seirafian rug. The third son of the late Sadegh Seirafian, Karim, is currently engaged in the production of exquisite carpets. Karim Seirifian’s slogan is “the best for the best”. The fourth generation of the Seirafian family is currently protecting this credit like a pearl.

This family has about 24 grandchildren, most of whom are engaged in carpet production. Seirafian carpets have the best quality among Iranian carpets. These carpets are known not only in Iran but all over the world and have special fans. It can be said that Seirafian carpets are the most expensive and luxurious carpets in the world! In the photo below, you can see the details of the members of the Seirafian family.

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                                               Seirafian family tree

Features of Seirafian carpet

  • All the carpets that are woven in Seirafian workshops have the signature of the weaver and the flag of Iran.
  • These carpets have a birth certificate that guarantees the authenticity of the product.
  • The texture density in Seirifian carpets is relatively high and is more than 400 knots per square inch.
  • The texture density in Seirifian carpets is relatively high and is more than 400 knots per square inch.
  • The best kork is used as a pile and silk as a warp in Seirafian carpets.
  • All Seirafian carpets are dyed using vegetable dyeing, that’s why the color of these carpets is always deep and bright.
  • The design used in Seirafian carpets is the same as other Isfahan carpets. Designs of Golu-Bulbul (flowers and nightingales), Shikargah(hunting ground), Eslimi-Khatai, and Shah-Abbasi flowers are often seen in these carpets.

    Authentic signature of Farsh Sirifian

                      Authentic signature of Seirafian rug

The famous carpets of the Seirafian family

Bani Adam carpet

This carpet is one of the most exquisite carpets in the world, which was donated to the United Nations in 2015 by Professor Mohammad Seirafian for “Dialogue of Civilizations”. The design of this rug is inspired by Iranian architecture. The dimensions of the rug are 191 x 207 inches and it took more than 10 years to weave it. The density of the carpet is high and about 200 knots are woven per square centimeter. Another characteristic of this legendary rug is the beautiful poetry of Bani-Adam “Saadi”, an ancient poet of Iran. The Secretary General of the United Nations, “Ban Ki-moon”, mentioned this rug during his speech in Tehran in 2012 and said: “There is a huge carpet at the entrance of the United Nations – I think it is the biggest carpet that the United Nations has – which adorns the wall of the organization. It is a gift from the people of Iran. Next to those wonderful words of Saadi, the great Iranian poet.”


The late Master Mohammad Seirafian next to the famous Bani-Adam carpet donated to the United Nations

Niavaran carpet

Another exquisite carpet by Master Mohammad Seirafian and the design of the late Master Ahmed Archang is kept on the second floor of Niavaran Palace. The dimensions of this carpet are 1.46 x 2.3 meters, and which are woven with kork and silk. The overall design of the carpet is Lachak-Toranj, which has slim lines and Shah-Abbasi flowers printed on it. The texture density of this carpet is about 14,500 knots per decimeter square.

niavaran palace

Lachak-Toranj rug by Master Mohammad Seirafian, which is kept in Niavaran Palace

Other artworks of the Seirifian family

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             Carpet donated to Astan Quds Razavi Museum in Mashhad

queen soraya with seirafian rugs

                                  Queen Soraya with Seirafian rugs


                 Queen Soraya’s home decorated with Seirafian carpets

sadeq seirafian rug

The hunting ground design rug by master Sadegh Seirafian, the design of this work was done by late Master Mosavver-Ol-Molki, inspired by the ancient Achaemenid and Parthian symbols.

The designs of Seirafian carpet’s hunting ground are taken from the motifs of gold plates of the Sassanid period, which show the Persian king hunting.


             Landscape design by the late Sadegh Seirafian

queen with president

 The famous queen carpet, which was produced for the first time by Haj Reza Seirafian


   A full view of the Queen’s famous carpet at Windsor Castle by Master Mohammad Seirafian


                                            Master Ahmad Seirafian


Mohammad Seirafian’s carpet is the beauty of the wall of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan’s palace


                                       Farzad Seirafian


The Seirafian family is one of the most important families in Iran who have worked hard to keep Persian rugs and art alive for nearly a century. The designs of Seirafian rugs inspire many manufacturers around the world. It is interesting to know that many audiences and enthusiasts know the names of these designs as Iranian names, such as Shikargah and Golu-Bulbul! This family has always kept the original designs of the Safavid period alive and implemented them in their carpets. What do you think is the reason for a brand to last a century? Why does everyone who has a collection of rugs like to have Seirafian carpets as well? In this article, we tried to familiarize you with the brand of Seirafian and its carpets. If you are interested in Seirafian rugs, you can see a number of carpets on this website. All these carpets are sold with a certificate of authenticity.