
Remove Carpet Stains Without Taking It to the Carpet Cleaner!


Is your carpet handmade or machine made? The reason for this question is that the type of carpet is very important in choosing the stain removal method. Handwoven carpets are very elegant and the colors used inside them are often natural, for this reason, it is more sensitive to remove stains from handwoven carpets. You should definitely get basic help from an expert in this field visit a reputable carpet cleaner to remove the stain. But machine-made carpets are more durable against stains and you can easily remove fresh and small stains from them. By reading this article, you will learn how to remove the stain on the carpet!

Tips for easy stain removal of carpets

  • Be quick to remove stains and clean the carpet while they are fresh, as old stains are very difficult to remove.
  • When removing the stain, pay attention to its type. The type of stain is effective in choosing the type of cleaner. If the stain is water-based, it is usually easy to remove and you can use household cleaners, but if it is fat-based, you need stronger detergents.
  • Do not scratch the stains with your fingernails because it will spread the stain on the carpet.
  • When removing the stain with a towel, control the amount of hand pressure so that the stain does not penetrate deep into the carpet fibers.
  • The method used to stain a handwoven carpet is different from the method used to stain a machine-made carpet.


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Knowing the types of stains and how to remove them from the carpet

As we said, removing stains while they are still fresh is the first step to take. As time passes and it gets older, it becomes difficult to remove it. Different types of stains are created on the carpet, each of which has different techniques to remove. In the following, we will introduce the types of stains and the methods of removing each one.

  • Liquid and soluble stains
  • Oil stains
  • Nail polish stain
  • Blood stain
  • Glue stain
  • Chocolate stain
  • Gum stain

Liquid and soluble stains

For liquid and water-soluble stains, first absorb the liquid residue using a towel or dry cotton cloth. By doing this, you collect a large amount of liquid that is on the surface of the carpet and has not been absorbed deep into the fibers. Also, make sure to avoid pulling nails or rubbing and pressing the towel on the carpet. There are different types of soluble stains, which include:

  • Tea and coffee stains

To remove the tea stain from the carpet, after you scoop up the spilled tea from the carpet with a spoon, pour some cold water on the area to dilute the tea color. The important thing to mention here is that you should never use boiling water to remove the tea stain because it will make it last longer. Then dip the wet towel in baking soda, then gently pull the towel over the stain in back and forth motions and wait for two minutes. Then rinse the affected area with cold water. If the tea stain is old, use yogurt. For this, pour the yogurt on the stain and wait for 2 hours, then collect the yogurt from the carpet with a spoon and rub it back and forth on the stain with a damp cloth to clean it. Do the same to remove coffee stains.


                                             Spilling oil on the carpet

  • Soda stain

When the soda stain is still fresh, after scooping up the spilled soda with a spoon, absorb the remaining moisture with a clean, dry cloth, then spray the area with cold water. Since the soda stain is very sticky, cold water will remove it. Then put the cloth on the stain again and repeat until the soda is completely removed.

  • Milk stain

To remove the milk stain from the carpet, first absorb the remaining moisture with a clean towel or cotton cloth. Then prepare 2 parts of water and one part of carpet shampoo and spray on the stain and then wash the stain. But of course, pouring milk on a handmade carpet will create an unpleasant smell. To remove the smell of milk after washing the stain, spray a solution of water and vinegar on the stain and wash the stain again. You can also use baking soda to remove the bad smell of milk.

  • Ink stain

To remove a freshly spilled ink stain from the carpet, first place a clean dry towel on the ink spot to absorb some of the liquid. Then pour a small amount of shampoo on the area and after a few minutes, put a wet towel with warm water on the area. You can do the same to remove the ink stain from the sofa fabric. The best way to remove an old ink stain is to mix white vinegar with a little dishwashing liquid and water, then use a sponge to wipe the ink spot. To remove larger stains, you must repeat this several times until the stain is completely removed. It should be noted that vinegar not only cleans the carpet but also makes it shine.

  • Urine stain

One of the common problems for young couples with babies or people with pets is cleaning urine from the carpet. To remove the urine stain like other methods, put a dry clean cloth on the urine stain, this cloth will absorb some of the urine. You can repeat this until the urine residue is absorbed, then make a solution of dishwashing liquid, cold water and white vinegar and spray the solution on the carpet and dry the area with a cloth. Repeat this several times to get results. Using vinegar also eliminates the bad smell caused by urine.

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Oil stain

To remove the oil stain, the first suggestion is to send the carpet to a carpet cleaner. But if you want to do this at home, to remove the fresh oil stain, first collect the oil stain from the carpet with the help of a knife and a clean napkin. Then pour some water and dishwashing liquid in a container and pour the resulting solution on the carpet stain and rub it on the stain with an old toothbrush. To remove the old oil stain, use white alcohol and rub the alcohol-soaked cloth on the carpet, then gently brush the carpet with a special carpet brush, and at the end of the work, wash the alcohol off the carpet with lukewarm water.


                                            Spilling oil on the carpet

Nail polish stain

Act quickly to remove nail polish from the carpet. First, use a spoon to collect the nail polish from the carpet, then use a clean cotton cloth to collect the remaining nail polish from the carpet. Do this as a stroke and avoid rubbing the nail polish on the carpet. Now you need a remover to remove the nail polish stain. You can use acetone-free nail polish removers for this. But before using it, be sure to try it on a part of the carpet that is not too visible to make sure it does not damage the color of the carpet. Also, avoid pouring the nail polish remover directly on the carpet and do it with a towel because it will damage the fibers of the carpet.

Spraying-dishwashing-liquid on the carpet

Blood stain

To remove a fresh blood stain from the carpet, first press a clean cloth on the stain to absorb the blood. Be careful not to rub the area because it will spread the blood stain. To clean, start from the sides and move towards the center, then spray cold water on the blood stain and repeat this several times. Hot water stabilizes the blood stain on the carpet. If the stain remains after doing this, make a paste of salt and cold water and leave it on the stain for a few minutes and then wipe it off with a clean cloth. If you use salt, be sure to sweep the spot to remove the remaining salts. Because salt residue damages carpet fibers.

Glue stain

You have very little time to clean the glue stain from the carpet. If the glue sticks to the carpet, it will change the color of the carpet fibers. To remove the glue, first carefully collect the remaining glue from the carpet. Then spread a clean cotton cloth on the spot and gently pull it with a medium grade iron. By doing this, the glue is separated from the carpet and sticks to the fabric. Finally, using a solution of water and dishwashing liquid, remove the remaining glue from the surface of the carpet.

Chocolate stain

To remove the chocolate stain from the carpet, first remove the chocolate from the surface of the carpet with a spoon and tap the spot with a dry cloth to remove the remaining stain from the carpet. Then, using a solution containing water and vinegar, pour it on the spot and wipe it with a clean cloth to remove it. Finally, we finish this work with shampoo and warm water.

Spraying-dishwashing-liquid on the carpet

Gum stain

The best way to remove the gum stain is to use ice. For this, put an ice cube inside the nylon and drag it on the gum area. With this, the gum loses its adhesiveness, then remove the hardened stain from the carpet with a knife. Be careful not to damage the carpet while doing this.

In this article, we tried to check the best methods of cleaning all kinds of handwoven and machine-made carpet stains in detail, and we also taught you how to remove old stains. What do you think about removing stains from carpets? Do you have a question in mind? Share it with us in the comments section and we will reply you as soon as possible.

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