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Geometric Design

Carpets with geometric designs are carpets that have patterns and elements with geometric shapes. These designs can include rectangles, squares, triangles, hexagons, etc. The elements on the geometric carpet can be simple and minimal like Qashqai carpets or more complex like Heriz carpets. These carpets can add a sense of order and regularity to the space, that’s why they have become very popular in modern decoration design. The thing that is noticeable about geometric carpets is balance and symmetry. This design creates a good visual harmony and helps to feel order and harmony in the house. If you use a carpet with a geometric design in your home, it is better to pay attention to these points:

  • If the carpet you choose is a carpet with a geometric pattern and cheerful and warm colors, keep the walls neutral. A room with neutral walls makes the geometric design carpet the center of attention.
  • If your geometric carpet is busy, use simple and monochromatic furniture, curtains and accessories.
  • Choose the color of the furniture and decorative accessories in such a way that it complements the colors of the geometric design carpet.